In 2005, my voice was in a commercial that got aired on the Super Bowl. Due to that commercial, I was able to achieve one of my life goals of becoming a SAG member. Since 2005, I have gotten about 0.0 acting jobs (hence the reason I write The LANALOGUE). I really don't get any benefits/perks except for the fact that I am able to vote for the SAG Awards. You would think I would take this one perk/duty seriously. It's one thing I get back from paying $100 dues each year. With that said, I'll let you into my voting thought process:
Best Actor
Winner/Sean Penn - I voted for Brad Pitt in Buttons because it was the only movie I had seen when I voted, because I voted a couple of weeks ago to cross off "Vote for the SAG Awards" on my To Do List, so I could feel like I was accomplishing something (and because I was procrastinating doing something I really needed to do), instead of waiting until this past Friday (which was the due date), when I had in fact, seen a lot more of the movies nominated.
Best Actress
Winner/Meryl Streep for Doubt - I voted for Kate Winslet because she is my favorite actress and because it was the only movie I had seen when I voted, because I voted a couple of weeks ago to cross off "Vote for the SAG Awards" on my To Do list, so I could feel like I was accomplishing something (and because I was procrastinating doing something I really needed to do), instead of waiting until this past Friday (which was the due date), when I had in fact, seen a lot more of the movies nominated.
Best Supporting Actor
Winner/Heath Ledger for The Dark Knight - I voted for Heath too - not because I though he was the best but because of the reasons above (although I did see Robert Downey Jr. in Tropic Thunder, but Heath was better than him fo' sho).
Best Supporting Actress
Winner/Kate Winslet for the Reader - I voted for a woman who's name I couldn't pronounce in Buttons because of the reasons above.
Best Ensemble
Winner/Slumdog Millionaire - I voted for Buttons (even though they were not much of an ensemble - unless you consider all the different Brads in the movie), because of the reasons above.
Best Actor/Drama
Winner/Hugh Laurie for House - I don't watch any of these shows, but I voted for Michael C. Hall because Chris's Uncle Nick (and LANALOGGERS Cate Ellison Mills and Gus Ellison's Dad) - is the Book Agent for the guy that wrote the book that is now the TV series called Dexter (got it?) - gotta support yo (even though I've never seen the show, which means I really don't support yo, but I am going to start to).
Best Actress/Drama
Winner/Sally Field for Brothers & Sisters - I don't watch any of the shows nominated so I voted for Kyra Sedwick because she seems cooler than anyone else nominated and Sally Field is a whiny crackhead.
Best Actor/Comedy
Winner/Alec Baldwin for 30 Rock - I agonized for a couple of minutes and was truly torn between Alec Baldwin and Steve Carell. In the end I went with Steve because his portrayal of Michael never gets old and continues to get better each season.
Best Actress/Comedy
Winner/Tina Fey for 30 Rock - Duh.
Best Ensemble/Comedy
Winner/30 Rock - Duh.