- I just finished reading "the book" (yes, I'm a loser) and I want to hear more of Danielle's side (which you can check out in this week's issue of PEOPLE - they have a whole story dedicated to her).
- We get to actually see Dina's husband and find out why we never see him.
- Catch a glimpse of what Dina and Danielle's ex's look like.
- That "flip the table" dinner scene, that Bravo's been whoring out since the season started, better be worth it.
- See more of Teresa's baby brats have tantrums (this week's dinner scene was amazing, I rewound it 5 times).
**BONUS** Danielle secretly hooks up with Albie (Caroline's son) in the bathroom of that dinner scene. Then, for all of Season 2, they sneak around and in the finale they announce their surprise engagement. YAY!
Am I missing anything? Email us your thoughts on the Dirty Jerz ladies at lanalogue@gmail.com
Speaking of Dirty Jerz ... Congrats to LANALOGGER Chrissy Glaydura DiBella who had a baby boy named Dominic today!! Dom DiBella. I heart Jersey.