Real Housewives of NY
The reunion show was priceless - and it was great to have 2 episodes of it. Alex was quiet, Bethany was firey, Luann was on the verge of crying, Ramona and Kelly are crazy - and Jill is the yenta mom. The poor moderator had no control. And, of course, they called poor Simon "gay" again. Kelly telling Luann to "read her own book" and everyone telling Kelly she is on another planet were good - but the best was Luann telling Ramona that she has "crazy eyes". She freaked out! It was great! Does anyone else think Lana is a "connector" like Jill?
Real Housewives of NJ
Danielle lives in the same town I do! Unlike Mr LoRusso and Brad Pitt, I don't have any strategies to meet her but I will snap pics if I see her at Shop-Rite! Her poor teenaged daughters - I'm sure they are thrilled to know their mom is having phone sex with a stranger! Teresa claims not to have big hair and long nails - ummm has she looked in the mirror? (She has a low hair line - I know, its a weird thing to notice - but did anyone else?). Does anyone know why Dina's husband isn't on the show? He can't be anti-Reality show because he got married to her on Platinum Weddings.
Survivor: Tocantins
With Debbie gone, Coach had no allies. He didn't look much like the Dragon Slayer hobbling back from Exile - or was it an act? Was very sad to see Taj gone when it got down to 3 - she deserved it more than Erinn. Thrilled JD won - totally likable, good attitude, excelled at challenges - an example to all "sole survivors"!
Jersey Shore Unleashed
Jersey Shore Unleashed
This and the RHofNJ are giving Jersey girls a bad name! We don't all have big hair and long nails!
New season of The Bachelorette with Jillian and her 30 potential husbands was as expected. She is very likable - let's see if she sluts around and has scenes ala "her famous hot tub scene with Jason" with all the guys. . .
Also coming soon
So You Think You Can Dance - Fox - 5/21 at 8pm
Southern Belles (Louisville) - Soapnet - 5/21 at 10pm
I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out of Here - NBC - 6/1 at 8pm
Anyone else dying to I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here? Email us @ lanalogue@gmail.com